There is currently one Code Enforcement Officer that serves the citizens of Anthony Texas. Enforcement action is complaint driven so citizens are encouraged to report their concerns to Code Enforcement. Citizens may report a violation anonymously; however, citizens are encouraged to provide their contact information when submitting a complaint. This information will allow Code Enforcement staff to contact citizens to provide updates or request additional information. Please note that any information provided is subject to the Texas Open Records Act.
Code Enforcement Officers complete a training program in code enforcement covering subjects including zoning and zoning ordinance enforcement; housing codes and ordinances; nuisance violations; health ordinances; and basic legal processes related to code enforcement.
Our officer is trained by the Texas A & M Engineering Extension Service ( TEEX) under the Basic Code Enforcement course. The Basic Code Enforcement course provides training designed to prepare students for final proficiency testing through the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). During the course, participants cover topics to include constitutional protections as well as authority granted by Texas law, procedural information surrounding the proper administration of local code compliance programs, and best practice guidelines. Training covering a range of topics includes; housing, construction, property maintenance, occupancy levels, and both electrical and fire safety. Zoning codes and proper signage regulations covering agricultural, residential, and industrial zones are also included.
To file a complaint or to request information from our Code enforcement please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible.
File a Code Complaint
Please use this form to file a complaint for violation of city ordinance or to request information form our codes department
401 Wildcat Dr.
Anthony, TX. 79821